Edified Energiser Grants 2020 – Applications Now Closed.
Helping you help others
At Edified, we believe education can transform lives. We also believe that powerful change can be led by individuals with passion and commitment. We’ve created the Edified Energiser Grants (EEGs) to energise people working to improve education around the world.
EEGs are worth A$5000 each and are awarded to individuals or groups with a compelling plan to improve education for their community. The plan could be small - becoming a teacher in your community. It could be a grand plan - creating a new EdTech platform to bring free education to world. Or anything in between. What’s important is that your plan is compelling and that we can see you have the vision and capability to make it happen. You can see previous winners here.
What’s a community? That’s up to you. It could be your home town, your country, or the whole world. It could be a group defined by their demographics – children in remote areas or adults working in health. It could be a virtual community. But it can’t exclude people on the basis of race, faith or sexuality.
EEGs are open to people of any nationality (domestic and international) who are currently studying at, or have graduated in the last 5 years, from an Australian, New Zealand or UK Higher Education, Vocational or English Language institution (part-time, online and offshore campuses accepted). Your project can be delivered in any country in the world.
This year we’re offering 3 grants. One for each of the following categories:
1. General
A project to improve any type of education – supported by Edified

2. Safety, health and wellbeing
A project to improve education in safety, health or wellbeing – supported by Sonder

3. Women and gender equity
A project to improve education for women or about gender equity – supported by Lead5050

The deadline for application was 31st October 2020
What we ask for:
- Contact details
- Education details and evidence of your enrolment or graduation
- A short bio
- Your plan in 2000 words or less
- Which grant you are applying for
- How the grant will help you achieve your plan
Shortlisted applicants will be notified on or before the 15th of November 2020
If you're shortlisted you'll be expected to personally present your plan to our panel (either in person or via zoom). If you're successful you'll be expected to provide updates on your project and give permission to be used in publicity for future grants.
If you have any queries please complete this form.