Edified Energiser Grants – 2021 winners

We’re delighted to announce the 2021 winners. Each participating person or group will be given A$5000 to support the development and growth of their project. All the projects are focussed on improving the education of a nominated community and fit within Edified’s ethos of wishing to sponsor positive social change through education.

Each project has at least one student or alumni from an Australian, UK, Canadian, Swedish or NZ education provider. We look forward to seeing how the projects evolve over the coming years. If you feel inspired by any of the projects and wish to make a contribution to their work, please email us at energiser@edified.com.au and we’ll put you in touch.
If you’re from an organisation within or connected to education and would like to support one of the 2022 grants we’d love to hear from you.  Please email mark@edified.com.au
Supported by:

Bringing Education to Underprivileged Children in Pakistan

The current state of education in Pakistan is severely lacking where equitable access is concerned. According to UNICEF (2021), the most recent counts indicate that just under 23 million children aged 5-16 – 44% of the total population of the age group – are currently out-of-school. This places Pakistan in second place on the list of countries with the largest number of out-of-school children across the globe.

Iza, together with Sunbeams School Systems are focusing on early childhood education by building a two-room school to bring education to 50 students in Phulgran, Pakistan.

Experiential Learning
Supported by:
The Ambassador Platform

Building Community Connections through Science Engagement in Ladakh, India

In this project current UNSW PhD candidate, Luke Steller, will partner with the Ladakh ESEP program to co-deliver educational experiences with local teachers and community members. Through a focus on experiential learning, this project will harness the Ladakhi people’s already strong connection and knowledge of the landscape, using it to inspire and engage in science education.

Women and Gender Equity
Supported by:

Towards an empowered future: personal development education with survivors of human trafficking

The estimates of victims of modern slavery have reached the highest number of ever before, with one of the most common forms being human trafficking. Did you ever think “what happens after the rescue”? Research shows that survivors face external hardships to secure a sustainable job and decent income. To support the return of survivors back to the labour market and community, reintegration takes a crucial role. Through the “EmpowerFULL: personal development education with vulnerable girls and women” initiative, we will be using interactive formal and non-formal teaching methods to strengthen soft skills and prepare participants to enter the labour market. The tools are suitable for participants with low levels of education and incorporate participatory action approaches such as visual storytelling, role play, and art-based exercises.

Supported by:
Successful Graduate

The Academic Success Mentorship and Career Guidance Project

Final year students at senior high schools(SHS), usually wonder what next for them after school and begs the question, what would I be doing after school? Should I move to the southern sector to look for greener pastures? Or Should I go and get myself married since I have no plans after school?  This project aims to fill that gap and it is projected to impact over 5000 final year students in senior high schools in Ghana to prepare their minds for life after SHS and to help them make informed decisions in their career path.

Safety Health and Wellbeing
Supported by:

Using open-access digital toolkits with culture-grounded learning outcomes to enhance cognitive and socio-emotional skills in adolescent girls in peri-urban India

Adaptive socio-emotional tools are critical to a woman’s health, safety, and well-being in her lifetime. This project seeks to leverage digital mediums to reach out to adolescent girls in peri-urban India and provide accurate information at the right stage in their life. Through creating open-access self-use toolkits we hope young women can experience and articulate different choice sets towards more empowering futures. The toolkit creation, training, and dissemination will be led by Nishtha Tewari along with Commonplace - a collaborative of researchers and designers who share a vision of creating knowledge commons for communities in the global South.